paul broyhill future leader

Creating a New Class of Leaders


For more than 30 years, the Hall of Fame has recognized exceptional leaders. The Leadership Initiative focuses on creating a new class of leaders and innovation.  Each year we identify 5 Future Leaders and facilitate probing discussions over dinner with inducted members of the Hall of Fame. 

Selection to attend the dinner at the High Point Market is a very high honor and one that will be impactful for years to come.  This intimate dinner will feature a guided discussion, led by Steve Pond, the founder of Furniture Today

Download the form here to Nominate a Future Leader

There are many industry organizations and publications that provide training that is management-driven.  Our Leadership Initiative is focused on long-range, strategic thinking that will foster a new culture of leadership and innovation – programming that is relevant to the industry with a perspective of our strengths and our weaknesses. This Executive Development Track addresses the desire of younger talent for mentoring, inspiration and a connection with other future leaders through this learning experience.

Recognizing Future Leaders

2024 Paul broyhill future leaders

2023 Paul Broyhill Future Leaders

2022 paul broyhill future leaders

2019 Paul broyhill Future Leaders

2018 Paul Broyhill future leaders

View past future leaders dinners photo galleries

2023 Photo Gallery

2022 Photo Gallery

2019 Photo Gallery

2018 Photo Gallery